The Realm of Dharmas,
by Longchen Rabjampa
[Not only are all dharmas included in Bodhicitta, they are naturally-arrived-at.]
The scriptural authority of Bodhicitta is of a nature
The summit of the King of Mountains, arriving-at the meaning
of the Unmade,
is exalted over all, the great king Supreme Vehicle.
[Just as the King of Mountains is exalted in the middle of the four world-continents, the Ati Vajra Heart Vehicle is explained as the peak of peaks, exalted over all.]
[A simile showing Ati to be the summit of all.]
When one has arrived at the summit of the King of Mountains,
all the lower valleys are seen at once.
The valleys do not see the nature of the peak.
Just so, the Vajra Heart Ati
is the peak of peaks of Vehicles
which clearly sees the meanings of all the others.
The lower Vehicles do not see the meaning of this Ati.
That is left for the time when they have arrived-at the naturally-arrived-at
[While from the summit of the mountain all the valleys are seen all at once, from the valleys the top of the mountain cannot be clearly seen. Just so, the significances of each of the lower Vehicles are seen simultaneously from the Ati perspective. The significance of Ati the lower Vehicles do not see since they confuse the high with the low.]
[The relative greatness and specialities of the higher and lower vehicles are further explained.]
When you make a request to the great Wish Granting Jewel,
everything wished for naturally comes.
Most people, if asked, will say it isn’t so.
Because the Vajra Heart Three Bodies are naturally-arrived-at
out of the Realm as it is, Buddhahood arrives-at itself.
The greatness of Ati is just this—no pushing, no striving.
While the lower Vehicles exert themselves in accepting some things
and rejecting others,
they don’t get there for aeons. They have some thick phlegm congestion
[When someone gets everything desired just by asking the Wish Granting Jewel, that is something only for lucky people. When the qualities in self-engendered Full Knowledge are realized in a naturally-arrived-at way, and stay at rest without pushing, it is something for only the best practitioners. When they make wishes to the all-purpose Jewel, some people make their requests to a piece of wood in the shape of a jewel and so, do not reach their aim. It is the same with those who want to be buddhaized through the pushing and striving of the lower Vehicles. They teach that there is nothing more because they are worn-out and congested with thick, sticky phlegm.]
[Awareness beyond working/pushing is taught to be the Three Bodies. The underlying meaning of “Dharmabody as it lays” is…]
Totally level by nature, Awareness-Bodhicitta
(spread-out Dharma Proper-as-it-lays)
is receptive centre of primordially level Nature Dharmabody;
is, while all have it, objective sphere of the fortunate few;
is, according to how it is placed, arrived-at by leaving it lay
in that continuity.
[The meaning of Dharmabody is the undiffusive void-clarity substance of Awareness. Realization of the Mind Proper as-it-lays is, aside from a few, not something for all. Its style is Great Levelness beyond extremes since it is the substance of the Realm of Vajra.
Awareness Self-dawned says,
The void-clarity mandala of Vajra is
the Dharmabody itself, undistracted and
It is beyond the extreme views that postulate
a subjective ‘grasper’.
In the Dharma beyond extreme views is no desire.]
[The underlying meaning of “Assets Body as-it-lays”:]
Embracing. Spreading. Self-luminous. Naturally-arrived-at.
The Perfect Assets are in all, while seeing is a thing for the few.
When whatever appears is left ‘as is’ without working or pushing,
it is revealed.
[Awareness self-luminous is the nature of this Assets Body. It shines to perfection when, after it dawns without impediment on the apparent objects, it is left to be bright without entering into grasping.]
[The underlying meaning of “Emanation Body”:]
A spreading receptive centre, the Emanation Body with
unlimited roles to play
is in everything, luminous from the time when it dawns.
The miracles of wish granting qualities and activities
are nowhere else to be found.
The receptive centre of pure self-Awareness
like muddied water will, if allowed to clean itself,
come out clear.
[When Awareness dawns from the continuity of its appropriate abode, the part which seems to dawn, naked and passing-through, is the Emanation Body. It has totally dawned as qualities and activities. So its dawning, a mirror of clairvoyance and Buddha-eye, into this continuity beyond accepting/rejecting and working-pushing is like the appearance of a clear reflection on water pure of muddiness.]
[Now the underlying meaning of “Three Bodies” is shown as a single Realm beyond working-pushing.]
Pushing doesn’t get it. The dharmas primordially pure
shine in the receptive centre of self-produced, clearly
comprehended Buddhahood.
What you’ve already arrived-at doesn’t need to be striven for
starting now.
This is the underlying meaning of “Greatness situated in itself”:
Dharma Proper receptive centre.
Don’t push to arrive-at the untransformable Naturally-arrived-at.
[The Mind Proper-Suchness, the substance of Dharmabody, is arrived-at on its own part. So pushings-strivings are unnecessary.]
[Such an Awareness is taught to be single & self-situated.]
It is the total basis, the laid-down basis, the clearly comprehended
heart basis.
From the Continuity of its nature it has not the least bit moved.
So don’t compromise on the meaning of the luminous receptive centre
[The appropriate substance of Awareness is no where arrived-at and not to be fused or diffused. If you want to realize and have revealed to you its meaning, the meditative absorption where knowing is settled in its own place, and no compromising from the continuity of the naked passing-right-through, are two most important things. Dharma Proper lacks a mover because it is contradicted by the movement of thoughts distracted toward objects.]
The reason it is arrived-at when everything is placed?
The five Full Knowledges, untransformable lords embracing all beings.
The five Bodies. The five Speeches. The five Minds.
The five Qualities. the five Activities.
Even the Adi-Buddha is naturally-arrived-at in
this receptive centre beyond beginning and ending.
So don’t look elsewhere. Its nature is totally arrived-at.
[The substance of Awareness, being beyond transforming and transporting, is the five—Vajra Body, etc. The substance of Awareness, being incommunicable, is the five—Dharma Proper clearly comprehended Speech, etc. The substance of Awareness, being undiffusive, is the five—self-engendered Full Knowledge Mind, etc. The substance of Awareness, being all Qualities—the basis of all completion, etc. Since everything is, in the substance of Awareness, arrived-at as pure & level Full Knowledge and the four Activities, it is the five—immaculate Dharma Proper Activity, etc. The completion of these twenty-five is the Adi-Buddha Total Good clearly comprehended. Being totally arrived-at in the substance of Awareness, it is not to be looked for elsewhere.]
[While sangsara/nirvana is arrived-at in Awareness, there is no Dharmabody apart from Mind Proper.]
Though the Dharmabody of all Buddhas be clearly comprehended,
there is nothing other than the meaning of untransformable levelness.
Because the former is self-engendered and naturally-arrived-at in the
it is unsearched for, unstriven for. Hopes and fears are naturally
put to rest.
[Even that attainment of Buddhas’ Dharmabody is nothing other than the substance of Awareness revealed without outside contaminants or contrivance. And Awareness is, because everything has it without transforming or transporting, alighted in naturally-arrived-atness, implicit Awareness uncontrived.
The Pearl Strand says,
Complete Buddhahood is implicit Awareness alone.
The All Making King says,
I, the All Making Bodhicitta,
am unproduced. When there is no longer subject and object,
“Unborn Dharmabody” are just words that have occurred.]
[The Mind Proper of sangsara is arrived-at as Buddhabody. So renunciation is unnecessary.]
The self-engendered Full Knowledge of all sentient beings
is also unmade and unsearched for, naturally-arrived-at as Buddhabody.
So do not cling to accepting/rejecting. Settle down
in this Realm of Dharmas continuity.
[This word for sentient beings, “Citta possessors,” means nothing apart from the continuity of Awareness. Since the same Awareness is not to be divided up between sangsara and nirvana, there is no need for pushing and striving.]
[Awareness is passed beyond moving and pushing.]
In the unmoving, unthinkable naturally level substance,
the meaning of Unmade is arrived-at. It is a spacious receptive centre
[Because Dharmabody is naturally-arrived-at in the Awareness substantiality, abiding in the substance behind “the meaning of Unmade arrived-at” is the strange and marvelous Full Knowledge. This is shown to be the foundation of the Realm of Dharmas beyond all horizons.]
[The stream of naturally-arrived-at empowerment is shown to be totally completed in the Awareness substantiality.]
The MASTER Body and Total Wisdom of All Animate Beings Untransformable
and the EMPOWERMENT Royal Method Head Anointing Great Self-engendered
have naturally-arrived-at the total disentanglement of
appearances/becoming and material/vital
Working/seeking is unnecessary. The nature naturally-arrived-at
arrives-at absolutely everything,
expands into Great Naturally-arrived-at.
[Total Awareness is completed in the naturally-arrived-at substance of the Three Bodies. So when the complete empowerment arrived-at in self-engendered Full Knowledge takes hold, there is no depending on present exertion and pushing or on empowerments employing consecrated articles.]