Tuesday, December 06, 2022

The Realm of Dharmas, a Treasury of Jewels. Chapter 6: Everything is Included in Bodhicitta

The Realm of Dharmas,

a Treasury of Jewels,

by Longchen Rabjampa



[It has been shown that all dharmas are included in the purity of the Awareness substantiality.  Meanwhile, it will be shown that, because Dharma Proper and suchness are on the same side, everything is included in the Unproduced continuity.]

As lights are gathered in the essence of the Sun, even

so, the roots of all dharmas are gathered in Bodhicitta.

Appearances/becoming, material/vital and even impure error,

in short, all occurrences are, when the realm of their situations

and dependencies is examined,

gathered in the continuum of foundationless, totally disentangled


The continuum of the great x—pansive total receptive center that

Dharma Proper is

is gathered in a place beyond the words and meanings of 

‘error’ and ‘unerror’.


[Just as dreams are included in the sleep continuity, so all dharma-having (objects) are included in the continuity of Awareness.]

The appropriate manifestations which are pure—

Body, Buddha, and

the miraculous play of Full Knowledge activity as well,

are included without inclusion or exclusion

in the continuity of the self-engendered.

Including all appearances/becoming and sangsara/nirvana,

the Bodhicitta

is an uncompounded void-clarity like the sun-sky.

From the beginning, it is an expansive total receptive centre,


[This Awareness-Bodhicitta which excludes no dharmas whatsoever is, like the sun, naturally and implicitly luminous and, like the sky, void and ownerless.  The self-engendered Full Knowledge is called “the primordial Dharmabody which has buddhaized whatever is.”

The All Making King says,

Dharma Proper beyond everything is Bodhicitta.

Bodhicitta is the heart of all dharmas.

Bodhicitta is the root of all dharmas.

As the root, it combines the purpose of everything.]


[The great receptive centre shows the nature of citta.]

The continuity of the changeless sky great receptive centre that

Mind Proper is

has no fixed part to play.  It is Bodhicitta’s special power.

Since it steers all sangsara/nirvana Vehicles,

the one thing that is unemployed is the master of all.

It isn’t separated from objective spheres of those who have

gone to extremes.

There has been no place to go besides the Dharma-Proper-Bodhicitta.


[Now there will be closely formulated for the All-including a simile of its unmovedness.]

The total good of everything has dawned as one naturally-arrived-at.

Everything without exception included, its supremacy is beyond compare.

The greatest of greats total good Realm of Dharmas,

like a king, draws everything together.

Unmoved, yet it has wielded its power over all sangsara/nirvana.

[Just as a king, without moving from his own palace, draws his subjects under his rule, the continuum of Awareness, without moving from Dharma Proper, draws together all sangsara/nirvana.

Everything was made by Bodhicitta and, while everything has dawned from citta, the Mind Proper was not made by anything.  It is beyond all actions and things to do; so things to do are shown to be unnecessary.

The All Making King says,

Bodhicitta made everything.  One was not made.

The all-made the nature of clear comprehension made.

For the one unmade, making is unnecessary.]


[Because the nature of the totality of dharmas is levelness, it is shown to lack good/bad, pushing/striving.]

Everything is totally good.          Not one is bad.

Without good/bad, things are one in Total Good.

Things arrived-at or unarrived-at are all one Realm.

All are, in naturally-arrived-at unmoving levelness,          one.


[What has dawned from the Realm is in itself beyond pushing/striving.]

Everything has dawned from one.    The Realm of All Dharmas

is nothing to be made.                      In its continuity

is nothing to be pushing,                nothing to be striving for.

Pushing/striving do not exist apart from the appropriate Realm.

So from where did you push?          To where do you strive?


[Therefore, it is beyond both cause/effect & pushing/striving.]

There is no objective field of pushing,     nothing to see in meditation,

no place to strive for.     It hasn’t come from somewhere else

It doesn’t come.     It doesn’t go.     It is levelness,

the Dharmabody.

It is subsumed into the Realm of the Great Drop, naturally completed.

[The sky-like substance of Mind Proper is a single spot Realm. Since all dharmas are included in its continuity, there is nothing to be pushed by the ten natures, etc. That which isn’t to be pushed is the Realm of Dharmas, undelineated.]


[Now it will be shown that in Awareness-Bodhicitta all Vehicles are included.  The way the three lesser Vehicles are included:]

The scriptural authorities of Hearers,

                                          Solitary Realizers &


have determined the non existence of me and mine.

The underlying meaning to the “sky-like undiffusive” is the same.

And the scriptural authorities of the supremely secret great yoga of Ati?

Because no matter how it is that the self-engendered Full Knowledge

is actually assigned

to the expansive sky-without-self/other-divisions,

the underlying intention is, in any case, included

in this supreme Heart Ati.

[The Hearers hold that all internal and external dharmas are sky-like, lacking selfhood and ‘person’. The Solitary Realizers say, moreover, that half of the dharmas are not things to be grasped. The Bodhisattvas say that the absence of grasper and grasped, of selfhood pertaining to either dharmas or ‘person’, is sky-like. These views affirm rather than contradict the view of Ati-yoga.]


[The middling three Vehicles are also included in Ati.] [Note: The Diamond Peak is a tantra of the Yoga class held as especially authoritative by the Japanese Shingon school.]

All the three classes of Kriya,

                                      Upa &


are the same in holding that the immaculate attainments of body,

                                                                                     speech &


come from the offering rituals of oneself,

                                                 the divinities &


According to the secret king of scriptural authorities,

the Diamond Peak,

appearances and sounds are immaculate Awareness totally divinized.

Since they bring the immaculate attainments of body,

                                                                     speech &

                                                                      mind into the open,

all their underlying intentions are included in this supreme Heart Ati.


[The superior three Vehicles are completed in Ati.]

The three grades Maha,

                         Anu &

                         Ati believe

in the unmoving Dharma Proper and self-engendered Full Knowledge.

Since appearances/becoming, material/vital, the fields of gods & goddesses,

and Realm-Full Knowledge are immaculate in their indivisibility,

in this most secret supreme, everything is immaculate.

Everything is disentangled into the total vastness receptive centre of


Without named dharmas, pushing-working or accepting/rejecting,

everything is from the unmade Palace, the total receptive centre

field of comfort

with no in or out side, spread-out,   embracing all.

All these underlying intentions are included in the great secret

Heart Ati.


[Now, everything being included in Bodhicitta, the meaning is completely summed up.]

One complete.   All complete.   The receptive centre where

all dharmas are included

is included in the totally settled, self-luminous Great


[“One complete.” means completion in Bodhicitta.

  “Two complete.” means the creations of mind are complete.

  “All complete.” means every last thing is perfect.]


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